
Monday, 9 May 2016

Easy DIY Tip - Use Nail Paint to Make Marbled Votives!

This simple and quick technique will have you wanting to marble everything you own! Combine a few drops of nail paint with water to create these colorful candle holders, just in time for your summer celebrations.

Materials Needed:
  • clear glass votive cups
  • nail paint
  • container with water
  • toothpicks
  • nail paint remover
  • cotton balls
  • clear spray sealant (optional)

Fill a container half full with water. The marbling will work best with water that’s just slightly warmer than room temperature.

Mix your colors, this part needs to happen quickly, so that the nail paint doesn’t have time to dry. Beginning with your first color, let a few drops of paint fall onto the water. Apply them near the water’s surface; if you let them fall from too high they’ll sink to the bottom.

The nail paint will start spreading once it hits the water. After you have a few drops of the first color, add a second and it will spread a bit as well. Swirl it quickly and gently drag a toothpick across the surface of the water to swirl the colors and create a marbled effect.

These last two steps shouldn’t take much more than a minute or so. Dip votive with the votive held sideways, gently dip and roll the surface across the nail paint on the water.
The paint will pull off of the water and stick to the votive. Roll the votive until all sides are covered. If you’d like marbling on the bottom as well, dip the bottom into the water to pick up more nail paint.

Set the votive upside down to dry. Let it cure the nail paint will dry quickly, but allow at least an hour before you handle them so that the nail paint has time to cure. Use the nail paint remover and a cotton ball to remove any smudges.

If desired, take to a well-ventilated area and spray with a clear sealant to protect the marbling.

Fill your marbled candle holders with candles and enjoy!

DIY Instructions and Project Credit - Chelsea Costa

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