
Monday, 9 May 2016

Easy DIY Tip - Use Nail Paint to Make Marbled Votives!

This simple and quick technique will have you wanting to marble everything you own! Combine a few drops of nail paint with water to create these colorful candle holders, just in time for your summer celebrations.

Materials Needed:
  • clear glass votive cups
  • nail paint
  • container with water
  • toothpicks
  • nail paint remover
  • cotton balls
  • clear spray sealant (optional)

Fill a container half full with water. The marbling will work best with water that’s just slightly warmer than room temperature.

Mix your colors, this part needs to happen quickly, so that the nail paint doesn’t have time to dry. Beginning with your first color, let a few drops of paint fall onto the water. Apply them near the water’s surface; if you let them fall from too high they’ll sink to the bottom.

The nail paint will start spreading once it hits the water. After you have a few drops of the first color, add a second and it will spread a bit as well. Swirl it quickly and gently drag a toothpick across the surface of the water to swirl the colors and create a marbled effect.

These last two steps shouldn’t take much more than a minute or so. Dip votive with the votive held sideways, gently dip and roll the surface across the nail paint on the water.
The paint will pull off of the water and stick to the votive. Roll the votive until all sides are covered. If you’d like marbling on the bottom as well, dip the bottom into the water to pick up more nail paint.

Set the votive upside down to dry. Let it cure the nail paint will dry quickly, but allow at least an hour before you handle them so that the nail paint has time to cure. Use the nail paint remover and a cotton ball to remove any smudges.

If desired, take to a well-ventilated area and spray with a clear sealant to protect the marbling.

Fill your marbled candle holders with candles and enjoy!

DIY Instructions and Project Credit - Chelsea Costa

Monday, 2 May 2016

Easy & amazing DIY tip to make chair with old tyre!

You will need two tyres to create this lovely chair as well as a wood pallets, sponge for filling and a bit of fabric to cover it. You can make these in different sizes depending on the tyres that you have available. If you want to create a child’s chair for instance, use small tyres or you can use larger tyres and have it sitting in your living room or bedroom. Cover it with whatever fabric you want that matches your current decor. It’s really easy to make and great for any indoor sitting area.

Required Items:
  • Two used tyres
  • Wood pallets
  • Drill machine
  • Stapler
  • Sponge to fill the chair
  • Fabric

Steps to make yourself a great chair from old tyres:
  • Drill holes inside of one tire
  • Using the stapler attach the sponge to the tire (Make sure to cover the inside of your tire with the sponge in order to make the chair more comfortable.)
  • Cut the surplus of sponge on the edges and staple a piece of fabric to the bottom of one tire. This will be the part of the chair which will be placed on the floor
  • Drill holes into the wooden palettes, this will be screwed to the tire and will eventually be the back of your chair. Cut these palettes as big as you want the back of your chair to be
  • Attach the second tire on to the bottom one
  • Fill the second tire with sponge
  • Cover the whole structure with the fabric of your choice
  • After covering with fabric, it will be ready and you can enjoy sitting on your new, recycled chair

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Archieli

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Easy Do It Yourself Tip to make clay trays!

Materials: Clay in 3 different colors, shallow glass bowl, circular items to use as stencils (lids, small bowls,etc.), butter knife, pen with a flat end, scrap piece of lace, rolling pin.


Roll Out Clay

Condition the clay by rolling it around in your hands for a few minutes. Once soft, start rolling it flat with the rolling pin to a 1/8-inch thickness.

Create a Lace Pattern

To create the lace pattern, lay the scrap piece of lace over the flat clay.

Roll over the lace a few times with moderate pressure to imprint the clay.

Pick up the lace to make sure the pattern transferred onto the clay.

Create Polka Dots and Stripes

Use the flat end of a pen to create a polka-dot pattern in the clay.

To make stripes, drag a butter knife with very light pressure on top of the clay.

Cut Out Circles

Place a circlular object, about 4-5 inches in diameter, over the clay to use as a stencil.

Cut around the stencil with a butter knife.

lightly smooth out the edges with your fingers.

Bake Clay

Turn over a shallow bowl. Place the clay circle right side down over the bowl, and lightly press down until it takes the shape of the bowl.

Use a larger shallow bowl as a mold for a larger piece of clay.

Bake according to the clay packaging instructions.

Place these trays on a dresser to hold jewelry, or use it on an entryway table as a catchall tray.

Courtesy - / Jessika Creedon 

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Do It Yourself Tip - use old paper rolls & spruce up your walls with flower motifs.

It’s not every day that you find a clever way to reuse something from the bathroom, upcycle old paper rolls & spruce up your walls flower motifs.

Materials: Paper rolls,Scissors,White glue,paint(as per your choice).


1. Crush paper roll. Place the rolls on a flat surface.

2. Create a desired pattern.Try different compositions & patterns.

3. Glue where rolls are touching.Expend the pattern in to an organic cell growth,you may paint and add sparkles & you are done! – BROWN & Black

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Do It Yourself - Interesting way to make a jute seat out of unused tyre.

Take an unused four wheeler tyre. Drill at six places and fasten two plywood planks by cutting them into two circles of 55cm diameter each. Screw the planks to your tyre tightly enough so that it won’t come off. Do it on the reverse side of the tyre as well. Take sisal rope and start glueing at the center of the circle in order to obtain a perfect finish. With the hot glue gun, apply the glue on the board and secure one end of sisal.

Use enough glue to stick and move the sisal rope round in a snail shape. Repeat till you make sure that the end of the sisal from the board meets the beginning of the one on the edge. Do this for the reverse side of the tyre as well. Once you cover the entire tyre, cut the rope.
Apply the sealer to the brush and cover all sisal surface with it. Wait one hour before you put another coat on it. This sealer is ready to touch after one day but the complete drying takes two weeks!

Your sisal rope seat is ready!

Explore more fabric collections @ Homes Furnishings

Monday, 4 January 2016

DIY Tip - Make a trendy centre-table and re-define the art of home decor


  • Round wood logs cut 18 inches long
  • 4×8-foot sheet plywood
  • Wood glue
  • Wood screws
  • Grout
  • 4-inch casters
  • Clear polyurethane

  • Circular saw
  • Miter saw
  • Drill Machine
  • Grout float
  • Putty knife

  • Use the plywood to create a base of 33×24 inches and a box measuring 27x18x16 inches. Cut two 27×16-inch and two 18×16-inch pieces for sides and one 27×18-inch piece for the top. Unite the box to the wooden base using screws.
  • Use a miter saw to cut logs to 18 inches. Using wood glue add logs to the wood box and base and screw through each log for extra strength.
  • Close the box with the plywood piece you have cut in step 1 and secure it to the rest of the box with screws.
  • Cut 1 inch wood rounds from the logs and place them to your box top using wood glue, masking the box underneath.
  • To fill the empty spaces remained between the pieces of logs, add grout to the entire surface and even it with a grout float. Use a putty knife to remove the excess grout from the coffee table and let the grout dry well before moving on.
  • Attach rolling feet to the base of the centre table using screws by positioning them 1 inch from the edge. For the finishing touch, add a coat of clear polyurethane to the table.
You are done!
