
Monday, 30 November 2015

Do It Yourself - Smarten up your delicate plants differently!

There’s an enchanted quality to this placement of greenery, as if delicate plants are spilling in from the chimney.

How to Do It:-

  • First check to see that your fireplace gets at least a little bit of sun.
  • Then shop the garden center (or your house) for about a dozen low-light plants—ferns and mosses are perfect—and nice-looking terra-cotta pots of different heights and shapes.
  • Use a stump (again, at the garden center) or a stool to elevate one plant.
  • Turn over spare pots to serve as stands for others, creating a sense of organic randomness through varied levels.
  • Place some plants inside the fireplace opening, with others inching out and a few flanking the opening.
  • Matched pairs pull the look together.
  • Leave some blank space, rather than filling every inch.
  • The intricate leaves can be appreciated (and watering is easier) with a little air around them.

You Are Done!

Sunday, 29 November 2015

#DoItYourself - Utilize your pillowcase in a different way!

Handle with Care

Gather a pretty patterned pillowcase, an embroidery hoop (we used a 12-inch ring), and 10 inches of ribbon to hang.

Clamp the case into the hoop, tie on a loop of ribbon to the hoop's clamp, and hang near where you disrobe.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Easy & Amazing DIY Tip To Make Cork Planters!

These cork planters are super sweet. They are easy to make and make awesome fridge magnets. We also think they’d make for great up cycled gifts. Got a wine or plant lover on your list? We’ve got you covered.

These cork planter fridge magnets make for a quick and easy DIY.
They’re simple to make and only require wine corks, magnets, some soil and succulent clippings.
For tools you will need a hot glue gun, a pairing knife and a screw driver.
If you’ve been saving your wine corks for a special project then you will love these cork planters. If you are having a special bottle of wine be sure to set aside the cork and make a special memento from it in the form of a succulent cork planter!

  • Assemble your corks and get out your pocket knife.
  • Punch a hole in the cork with the head of a screwdriver.
  • Take the paring knife and wiggle it around, carving out a hole into your cork.
  • Carving tip – Your hole should go about halfway down the cork.
  • With a hot glue gun, affix magnets onto your corks.
  • Fill your mini cork planters with soil.
  • Plant your succulent clippings into the cork planters.
  • Place your new magnets onto the fridge and admire your new cork planters!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Do It Yourself Tip: Dip - Dye Succulent Pot!


1) What you need: 
  • Ceramic Pots
  • Tumble Tie Dye
  • Water and bowl
 2) What to do:
  • Fill up your bowl half way and pour in dye. 
  • Dip your pot in half way, hold for 5 seconds the remove from water.
  • Dip in again, lower than the first line, hold for 10 seconds. Remove from water.
  • Dip in water a third time, hold until you get desired color.
  • Remove from water and let dry.

Plant succulents. Done!