There’s an enchanted quality to this placement of greenery,
as if delicate plants are spilling in from the chimney.
How to Do It:-
- First check to see that your fireplace gets at least a little bit of sun.
- Then shop the garden center (or your house) for about a dozen low-light plants—ferns and mosses are perfect—and nice-looking terra-cotta pots of different heights and shapes.
- Use a stump (again, at the garden center) or a stool to elevate one plant.
- Turn over spare pots to serve as stands for others, creating a sense of organic randomness through varied levels.
- Place some plants inside the fireplace opening, with others inching out and a few flanking the opening.
- Matched pairs pull the look together.
- Leave some blank space, rather than filling every inch.
- The intricate leaves can be appreciated (and watering is easier) with a little air around them.
You Are Done!